The annual all-class reunion RAILS Party was held June 3, 2023, at Ingersoll Tap -- hosted by the Alumni Foundation and Dave Rafdal '71.  Classmate graduation dates ranged from 1957 through 2004.  Everyone had a great time catching up with each other!





 On August 8th, the Foundation held its Annual RAILS Party at Carl's Place on Woodland Avenue.  As usual, the ALHS Daughenbaugh brothers, Jimmy '85, Patrick '87 and Mike '92, hosted a fun afternoon.  A very warm day in Des Moines, but that didn't prevent a good turnout!  Classmates from 1950 through 2013 were represented.  This year the Class of 1987 had the most attending.  In fact, they piggy-backed the RAILS Party with their own 35th Reunion picnic.





The Foundation held its Annual RAILS Party at Carl's Place, hosted by Lincoln grad Daughenbaugh brothers, Jimmy '85, Patrick '87 and Mike '92. Classmates present ranged from 1959 through 2018.  And, once again, Classes of 1986 and 1980 had the most classmates attending!





The Foundation held its 3rd Annual RAILS Party at Mullet's on May 18, 2019.  This year, 28 classes were represented and ranged from 1948, Bob Ellis, to 2015, Paige Hebert. Though it was a rainy day, everyone had a great time catching up and enjoying entertainment by Bruce Day all afternoon.  Once again, the Class of '86 had most attending!  But the Class of '80 was a close second! 





The Foundation held its 2nd Annual RAILS Party at Carl's Place on May 5, 2018.  This year, classes ranged from 1949, Virgil Moore, to 2012, Karly King.  As you'll see by these photos, everyone had a great time!

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The Foundation held its first annual RAILS Party at, Carl's Place on April 29, 2017.  The party was an all class reunion and membership drive.  We had approximately 30 class years represented -- ranging from Class of 1943, Phyllis Stegman, to Class of 2012, Reanna Trujillo Hagge and Jesse Hagge.

Carl's Place, owned by Jimmy '85 and Mike '92 Daughenbaugh, is a Sherman Hill bar that proved to be the perfect venue for the event.  Mike and Jimmy donated kegs of beer and snacks, and their staff were gracious hosts for our Lincoln crowd.  Music was provided by the Joe Inman & Co. band.  Members include Lincoln grads, Ward Phillips '04 and Mark Davis '03.

A great time was had by all!



Plenty of Lincoln Spirit was represented at the DSM SW 9th Open Street event on September 7th held to assist the Friends of SW 9th in enhancing the SW 9th Street corridor. The coalition is made up of 21 community groups.


Generations of Lincoln High School graduates become active members of the ALHS Alumni Foundation Dollars for Scholars Chapter and assist with other school fund raisers to benefit the Lincoln High community.  Here we have three generations flipping pancakes at the Annual Build Lincoln Higher Club Pancake Breakfast.