The following scholarships are available through the ALHS Alumni Foundation Dollars for Scholars Chapter: 


ALHS Alumni Association Scholarship

The Alumni Association offers annual scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each.  Our Scholarship Committee awards these scholarships based on the GPAfinancial need and community service of the applicants.  A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required.  The number of scholarships awarded varies yearly based on the interest earned on the Foundation Endowment.   


ALHS Class of 1963 Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of their 1963 classmates in 2018, and increased in 2025, one $1,500 scholarship will be awarded annually. The scholarship will be awarded based on GPA, financial need and community service of the applicants.


ALHS Class of 1970 Scholarship

Established by the Class of 1970, at its 50th Class Reunion Celebration, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2023. The scholarship will be awarded based on the financial need of applicants. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required.


Albert H. Graziano Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of former Principal Al Graziano '60, by his daughter Nicole Graziano '86, a $1,500 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2023 to a student who plans to pursue a career in public education.  Applicants must submit an essay describing how they plan to improve outcomes in public education through community involvement and other means.  A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required.


 The Bob Smith '69 and Monica Rocha-Smith Scholarship

Established in 2024, one $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who attended Nathan Weeks Middle School. Preference will be given to first generation secondary education students. Financial need will be considered.


BLH Bevington Scholarship

Build Lincoln Higher Club (BLH Club) established an endowed scholarship in memory of Erna Bevington, a former language arts teacher and department head at Lincoln.  The amount of the scholarship is at least $1,000.  The number of scholarships awarded varies yearly based on the interest earned on the endowment. Applicants must be related to a current member of the BLH Club who joined by January 31st of the applicant's year of graduation, or have actively engaged/volunteered in BLH booster club work, have a minimum GPA of 2.5, and have been accepted to a post-secondary institution.


Brody Middle School PTO Scholarship

Established by the Brody PTO board (2019 - 2020), a $1,000 scholarship will be
awarded annually to a student who attended Brody Middle School for 6th - 8th gradedemonstrates community service, and has a GPA of 2.5 or higher. 


Carole Jones Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Established by Todd Kincheloe '79, Alan Kincheloe '80, Janette Kincheloe Brenner '82, and Mark Kincheloe, to honor the memory of their mother and her lifetime of service as a nurse in recovery rooms and nephrology clinics, a $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2019 to a student who plans to major in nursing. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required.


Charlotte Askland Ortega Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family in memory of Charlotte Askland Ortega '54, one $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a senior. In recognition of Charlotte's activities in school, the applicant must have been a member of the Homecoming Court, or participated in Color Guard or Band, with preference to the Homecoming Court. The scholarship will be awarded based on GPA and financial need.


Class of 1964 Memorial Scholarship

 The Class of 1964 Memorial Scholarship was established in 2019 by members of the ALHS Class of 1964 in memory of their former classmates. One (1) $1,000 scholarship was originally awarded annually, and increased to one (1) $1,500 scholarship annually in 2025, to students who demonstrate solid academic performance, community service, leadership and financial need. Acceptance at an accredited institution and a minimum GPA of 2.5 are required.


 Class of 1975 Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2021 by the Class of 1975 in memory of their deceased classmates, one $1000 scholarship will be awarded each year starting in 2022 to a student who is accepted to a trade school or junior college program for the skilled trades. The volunteer service of the applicants will also be considered. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required.


Class of 1984 Memorial Scholarship

The Class of 1984 Memorial Scholarship was established in 2024 by members of the ALHS Class of 1984 in memory of their classmates who have passed. One (1) $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually starting in 2025, to a student who demonstrates a solid academic performance, community service and financial need. Acceptance to an accredited institution or not-for-profit trade school and a minimum 2.5 GPA are required.


The Clayle, Milva, Maxhn, and Janine McCaw Scholarship Fund

Established in 2012 by Dr. John '35 McCaw and his wife Maxine in honor of their children, all of whom graduated from ALHS, four (4) $1,000 scholarships will be awarded annually to students who demonstrate a solid academic performancecommunity service and financial need.  Acceptance at an accredited institution and a minimum GPA of 3.0 are required.


Coralie Cherry Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Coralie Cherry '47, by her family and friends, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2015 to a student who attended either Morris Elementary (formerly Mann-Watrous) or McCombs Middle School, is actively involved in Lincoln activities, and who demonstrates service to the south Des Moines community.  Coralie was a lifetime South Sider, a true supporter of Lincoln and south Des Moines.  She worked in the Lincoln feeder schools, was very active in the Alumni Foundation and worked hard to keep the history of Fort Des Moines alive.


The Dave Mills Memorial Scholarship

Dave Mills, Class of 1950, dedicated his retirement years to community service. To honor Dave's work, one $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who has shown leadership, commitment and passion for volunteer service to improve the community. The student should be recognized by established service organizations for demonstrating strong organizational, leadership and communications skills to accomplish stated goals and benefit others through volunteer efforts.


Dixie L. Jeffries Memorial Scholarship

Established as an endowed scholarship by Dixie L. Jeffries '61. Dixie, a legal secretary for over three decades, required that the applicants show an interest in pursuing a career in law -- be it lawyer, paralegal, court reporter, secretary, or related position. The scholarship will be awarded to applicants based on a minimum 2.5 GPA, financial need and, just like this beloved Railsplitter, being actively involved in Lincoln High School activities. Up to three (3) scholarships of at least $2,000 per school year for up to four (4) years will be awarded each year beginning in 2025. The number of scholarships and amount awarded yearly may vary based on the number of qualified applicants and interest earned on the endowment.


The Erickson Family Foundation Scholarship

Established in 2015 by Miriam Erickson Brown '80 and Warren Erickson '86, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2016 to a student seeking advanced education in the field of business.  A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required.  The financial need of the applicants will also be considered.


 George "Skip" Timmons Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2019 by Marlene Timmons and family, two $500 scholarships will be awarded to students who plan to major in nursing. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required. Skip '53 was a lifelong advocate of Lincoln High School and "Southside Pride." He established the ALHS Alumni Foundation in 1991 with Bill Backstrom '48 and Marge White '39; and served as President of the Alumni Association from 2001 - 2003. They created the endowment fund that provides scholarships to Lincoln graduates to this day.


The Gloria Gray Scholarship

 Established in 2015 by ALHS Alumni Foundation Past President Gloria Gray '66, one $1,000 scholarship (increased to $1,200 in 2024) will be awarded to a student who plans to attend Southwestern Community College for Professional Vocal Education.  The scholarship may be used for tuition, books and/or supplies. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required. The financial need of the applicants will also be considered. 


 Highland Family Scholarship

Established as an endowed scholarship by Margaret Highland Lockwood '38, in memory of her sister, Mary Highland Yaggy '31. The scholarship will be awarded based on GPA, financial need and community service of the applicants. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required. Six (6) scholarships of $6,000 each, payable at $1,500 per school year for four years will be awarded each year beginning in 2022. The number of scholarships awarded yearly may vary based on the interest earned on the endowment.


Howard Wayne Foust Memorial Scholarship

 Established by Brenda Foust Mahannah '57 and Stephen Mahannah '57 in memory of Brenda's father, Howard Foust '37, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2018 to a student who excelled at sports at Lincoln.  The financial need of the applicants will also be considered.  A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required.


Hugh Kent Memorial Science Scholarship

Established in 2011 in memory of Hugh Kent, a former Biology teacher at Lincoln, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who demonstrates a passion to learn about science and intends to major in science at the college or university of his/her choice.  A minimum GPA of 2.0, a statement of interest in science, and a written recommendation from a teacher who has observed the student's growth and interest in science are required.


James Michael "Mike" Mayer Memorial Scholarship

Established by John Mayer '76 to honor the memory of his brother, James Michael Mayer '69, and his lifetime of service as a criminal defense and immigration attorney, a $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually starting in 2022 to a student who demonstrates leadership abilities and participates in community service. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required.


The Jerry Crawford Family Scholarship

 Established by Jerry '67 and Linda Crawford in honor of their children Katelyn '02, Erin '05 and Conor '08, one (1) $5,000 scholarship, payable at $1,250 per school year for four years, will be awarded to a student who attends Macalester College, Skidmore College, Columbia University, Creighton University or Yale University.  The GPA, financial need and community service of the applicants will also be considered.


Jim & Ralph Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2009 by alumni Jim '45 and Ralph '48 Wilson, one $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually based on the GPA and financial need of the applicants. The scholarship was changed to a memorial scholarship in 2018. 


 The John and Jean Hollingsworth Family Memorial Scholarship

 Established by John and Pat Hollingsworth Hall '61 and Pam Hollingsworth Smith '68, in memory of their parents, John and Jean Keegan Hollingsworth, 1942 Classmates. The scholarship name was changed for 2025 to include "Family" when Pat passed away in 2024. One $1,500 scholarship is awarded annually beginning in 2022. The Hollingsworth Family is a life-long supporter of Lincoln and the South Side. The scholarship will be awarded based on a minimum 2.5 GPA, financial need and community service of the applicant. Preference will be given to first generation secondary education students.


John and Maxine McCaw Memorial Scholarship

Established by the late John McCaw '35 and his wife Maxine, one (1) two-year scholarship of $1,000 per year will be awarded every two years, beginning in 2021, to a student who demonstrates a solid academic performance, community service and financial need. Acceptance to an accredited post-secondary institution and a minimum GPA of 3.0 are required.


The Juanita Anna Smith Zeiler '47 Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2021 by Mari Keithahn in memory of her mother, a $1,000 scholarship will be awarded starting in 2022 to a student who excelled in vocal music while at Lincoln High School. A GPA of 3.0 and letter of recommendation from the Vocal Music Director are required.


Julie K. Bird Creative Writing Scholarship

 Established in 2023 in memory of Julie Kay Bird '71, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually. The successful candidate will have been accepted into a college or university with the intent to pursue a degree in English or in Psychology. If an English major, a short story or poem demonstrating the student's creative writing skills needs to be submitted. If a psychology major, a letter of recommendation from a teacher or staff member explaining the students dedication to their education is required. A minimum GPA of 2.5 and demonstrated financial need is required.  


Kenneth Sufka Scholarship

Established by Kenneth Sufka '78, one $2,000.00 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2023 to an ALHS senior who plans to attend Iowa State University. The scholarship will be awarded based on GPA and financial need.


Leo Bridal Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Leo Bridal '41, by Mary Vaught, a lifetime friend, in accordance with Leo's wishes, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually starting in 2016.  The GPA, financial need and community service of the applicants will be considered.


The Myrna Newbury Agan Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2017 in memory of Myrna Newbury Agan, Class of January, 1955, by her children; Earl Agan, Jr. '76, Thomas S. Agan '80, and Barbara Agan Timmins, '86; one $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to students who plan to pursue a degree in Education.  A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required.


Neff Family Scholarship

Established in 2005 by alumni Rose Mary Schwent, Class of 1942, two (2), four-year scholarships ($1,250 per year) are awarded annually to applicants who intend to declare a major course of study in science or mathematics. One (1) final four-year scholarship ($1,250 per year) will be awarded in 2025. The GPA, financial need and community service of the applicants will also be considered.

 Nicholas J. Mancuso Scholarship

Established in 2012 by Nicholas Mancuso '48, and increased in 2019, one $1,500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who intends to declare a major course of study in business.  The financial need and community service of the applicants will also be considered.


PrairieFire Scholarship

Established in 2023 by Matt Meline '86, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2024 to a student with demonstrated financial need who intends to pursue a major course of study in business or trade school. The GPA of the applicants will also be considered. 


Ralph and Marilyn Satre Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Established by Tim Wilson, in memory of his parents, Ralph and Marilyn Satre Wilson '48, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2021 with preference given to a student who plans to major in Administrative Services. Financial need, community service and a minimum 2.5 GPA are also required.


Ray "Monk" and Erma Wilson Family Scholarship

Established to honor the parents of Jim '45, Vivian '44, Ralph '48, and Ray '46, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2018.  The scholarship will be awarded based on GPA and financial need of the applicants.


Raymond and Shirley Phillips Memorial Scholarship

Established by Raymond "Skip" Phillips '68, Pam Phillips Brennan '66, Shirley Phillips Kunkle '68, Kirk Phillips '71 and Candy Phillips Conlan '65, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually beginning in 2015 to a student who plans to pursue a major course of study in music.  The GPA, financial need and community service of the applicants will also be considered.


Richard Hurd Scholarship

Established in 2019 by Richard Hurd '70, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who intends to major in business. The career goals, financial need and community service of the applicants will also be considered.


Rolland Geil & Ruth Johnson Geil Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2009 by Ruth Johnson Nichols '42, one $1,000 scholarship has been awarded annually to benefit a student who demonstrates great financial need.  Ruth's family is continuing this scholarship as $2,000 in memory of both Ruth and their father, Rolland Geil '40.


 Studebaker Elementary School Scholarship

One scholarship of at least $1,000 is awarded annually to a student who attended Studebaker Elementary for at least three years.  The GPA and financial need of the applicants is also considered.


Wolfe Family Scholarship

Established in 2012, and increased in 2025, one $2,000 scholarship will be awarded annually based on the GPA, community service and financial need of the applicants.  A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required.


Zac Bales-Henry Scholarship

Established in 2016 by Zac Bales-Henry '05, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually to a student with a documented learning disability who plans to pursue post-secondary education.  A letter of recommendation from a teacher or staff member who has observed the student's efforts to overcome challenges is required.


Zac Bales-Henry Track Scholarship

Established by Zac Bales-Henry '05, one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually starting in 2025 to a student who participated in Cross Country or Track while at Lincoln and plans to pursue post-secondary education. A letter of recommendation from a Track or Cross Coach who has observed the student's efforts as a    team member or leader is required.  GPA and financial need will also be considered.